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Writer's picturetanveernawaz2020

Ethics and Aesthetics The Debate on Replica Bags in Dubai

Every year, the lively and extravagant markets of Dubai, entice millions of around the world. In this abundant market, replica bags or ‘knock-offs’ and ‘fakes’ as they are often branded are quite contentious. It raises compatible questions surrounding ethics, aesthetics and chances of consumerhood over attractiveness rationale of possessing a branded handbag at a tenth the original price. The focus of the paper is the phenomenon of the illegal trade and consumption of replica bags in dubai the ethics of producing and using these bags, and their decorative value.

The Appeal of Knock-off Handbags

Replica bags serve a better purpose than high end designer items and helps people quench their thirst for luxury at the wallet friendly level. For several individuals, especially in a place like Dubai where luxury is everywhere, a replica of a designer handbag is an ego boosting asset. The colorful markets and the rich malls are filled with customers who want to wear these items but with the attitude that these copies pose no legal and ethical problems.

It is evident that the attractiveness of these bags is based on socio-economic, political and cultural etc. factors. Luxury is a way of life in a city like this, hence people seek to be Shaikhs. Purchasers, particularly in lower or middle social classes, may think of copies as a means of entering the high-end market without incurring a debt. Additionally, as new social platforms emerged rapidly, more and more people became eager to own new fashionable items which were adopted by such influencers who defined their trend as lifestyle while using the items often – these bags, in particular, became one of them, therefore making use of them common among the people.

Ethical Considerations

The issue concerning cost of first copy handbags ignites an ethical debate. Counterfeits raise ethical issues because creates a burden over intellectual property management. Producers of high-end products do not just design them or package them cheap as they also promote the brand alongside the products. Reproducing and marketing the replicas reduces these chances causing loss to the original producers. Also, the business of replicas is mostly based outside the law, with reasons that most of these copies of owner’s works are not copyright protected.

Also, the labor conditions surrounding the manufacture of the replica bags may presents an ethical challenge to some. Counterfeit goods are most often manufactured in factories where the workers are underpaid and overworked. This creates an ethical issue for the shoppers: in getting a replica bag, do they contribute to the abuse of slave labor? Here, the need to buy luxury brands at a reasonable price tends to cloud most people’s judgment. Thus, the ethics of purchasing replicas become less straightforward.

Replica Bags Aesthetics Vs. Authentic Expectations

There is no denying that the aesthetics surrounding bag replicas are remarkable. Details of many replicas are incorporated to such a high degree that even from the first sight the fake can be mistaken for the original. This gives rise to issues concerning the place of originality in fashion. Is it actually important who the designer is? Does the handbag has a market value because of the brand or the shape and construction of the handbag?

For some consumers, all that matters when it comes to a bag is its beauty. They may like how or what a certain replica works without considering the name attached to it. This way of thinking disputes the statement that authenticity has to do with ethics. It says that if the replica bag is the i neid aesthetically then it’s ok to have that bag and it’s not unethical.

However, this line of thought can also be detrimental. In other words, the point of no return in this young consumer psychology can be reached as more people in the fashion business might encourage inclusiveness of fakes. This may devalue the original concepts and in effect, stifle the imagination which the fashion industry depends on.

Cultural Implications

While cultural confluence takes shape in Dubai and the consumer patterns are also different, these are more pronounced when it comes to buying imitation bags. Such a status further fuels the fire of ethics on cheap replicas… The tourists and the residents sometimes find themselves in the middle of cultural conflicts oriented towards the image one intends to sell or wear.

For some people, the act of purchasing a fake handbag can be regarded as a cultural practice, in which authentic and fake pieces are not very distinct. In a globalized environment, people in the society do not shun off the purchasing of replicas since all the blurring edges are so perceived as success in globalization in terms of reessence and replication of cultural icons. Nevertheless, such an acceptance of culture comes with pressure points, mostly for individuals who have the believe that the originality of the brand and the associated artistry must not be compromised.


The controversy surrounding replicas and replicas handbag market in Dubai brings to fore many issues fence sitting and to an extent puts ethical, aesthetic and cultural issues under the sea. It is clear however that there is an attraction in purchasing any designer impression one’s desires without considering the price tag that comes with it and this brings dilemmas on issues of ethical practices, cloning in fashion, marketing, and loyalty towards the spirit of real fashion. In this line, if people are to live in such a scenario where consumerism is promoted, one needs to comprehend the consequences of his/her actions concerning purchases. In other words, the discussion about replica bags cannot be limited to trends in fashion alone. It says much more, about social values in general and relations between morality and beauty in the contemporary world.

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